He is a single father. He was recently fired from his job. He does seem to have some good skills and experience at PR/Marketing/Events Management.
He wants you (and me) to loan him money. Well, not us specifically - - anyone really.
He posted his story, including how much money he wants ($5000), what he wants the money for (to start a marketing/PR business), and what he will pay you for the money (16.22% APR) on a very cool website i stumbled across called Prosper.com.
It's like Match.com - but to bring together people with money and people needing money. It's grassroots capitalism meets the high tech age and I love it.
So far 26 people have each offered to lend this guy anywhere from $50 to $250 and he has raised nearly half his goal to start a business. He seems well on his way to getting the investment he needs to become an entrepreneur.
Other people on this site are looking for money for all kinds of reasons - paying off credit card debt, paying tuition, home repair. All of them are offering to pay back their lenders with interest.
I am going to start making some investments. Kinda fun and interesting.