The first "win" goes to Obama - and it's actually a loss. A Redskin loss. The Skins lost (28-6) to the Pittsburg Steelers last night - at home.
In every presidential election year, the Washington Redskins home game prior to election day has accurately predicted the outcome of the national presidential election.
If the Skins, being the home team, win the incumbent party maintains control of the White House. If, on the other hand, the Skins lose the opposition party gains control of the presidency.
OK, so not every presidential election year. The string was broken last time with Kerry (figures). But other than that it's been right since 1936.
I will take those odds.
Last time was no exception... the rule is "popular vote" not winner. Since Gore won the popular vote in 2000, and the Redskins lost in 2004, Bush's victory in 2004 was preordained.
Posted by: Jamie | November 04, 2008 at 03:14 PM