I had a date this afternoon with "Milagro" and it went well. That is the two of us in the pic.
It was my first time using a Zipcar and it actually worked as simply and as smoothly as they say. Cool.
I had to take Ma to BWI for her flight back to Maine. I rented the car from 1 to 330 - which was actually more time than I needed. $8.25 an hour. Milagro was in her spot about a block away. It only had a quarter tank of gas so I used the Zip gas card and filled it up (no charge to me) and off we went to the airport.
I gotta say, I wasn't all that excited by Milagro. It is a Mazda 3. Zippy - but a bit boring. Comfy enough. The steering wheel was a little sticky. I am choosing to chalk that up to the heat and humidity today.
All and all, not bad really.